Wednesday, 2 July 2008

The next instalment

Can’t believe it’s been a week since I posted the last blog. Well the picture here is of my newly finished project that is now proudly sitting on a coffee table at Create. I knitted and then felted the plant pot cover and then painted the plant pot in colours to match. I suppose it’s to show how the wool and the pottery painting work well together. We have a great teapot and teapot cosy (both covered in roses) on display, which is along the same lines. I love felting as you put this huge odd shaped garment in the washing machine and it comes out looking very different and so much better.

We have finished our plans for summer courses (you can view all the details on our website We are going to get the pottery wheel that has been sitting in my dining room for the last three years out and into Create and we have got Michele (art teacher and professional potter) coming into take the courses. Miranda and myself haven't a clue how to throw a pot but we are both really looking forward to having a go! We will definitely take some photos of the pots that we make, as I am sure they are going to be interesting!! We have set these courses up for children / teenagers but we have had loads of interest from the adults so have a feeling that some of the sessions are going to be hijacked!!! Miranda has also been very busy setting up loads of adult knitting workshops with the Rowan teachers – just got to get the details published. This week has been manic for Miranda who has had to juggle Create with trips to the hospital. Simon, Miranda’s husband, a very keen cyclist (so much so that he rides ridiculous lengths up major hills) got knocked off his bike on one of his early morning trips. He broke his wrist and has a few cuts and bruises but think he was very lucky to get away with that considering he met a car on a blind corner. Importantly though Simon still managed to take part in the Father’s race at their children’s sports day and didn’t come last – I was impressed!

The other major bit of new is we have had some sunshine here in Yorkshire!! After last year’s miserable summer and never ending rain this week has started me hoping that maybe this year we will be able to have picnics on the moor and take a visit to the Lido. Can you believe that Ilkley has an outdoor swimming pool – it took me by surprise when we moved here but it is fantastic! Just think you can swim in the outdoors and paint a pot all in one day with a trip to Ilkley!!
See you next week ……….actually it may not be me writing it next week so could be a lot more interesting!
